What do we know about rumination?
Below are the summary notes adapted from an article titled “Biological importance of rumination and its use on farm” written by Drs. Ric...

How to Win Friends and Influence People in Agribusiness
How to Win Friends and Influence People, written by Dale Carnegie and first published in 1936, is one of the most influential books...

Double check the mineral nutrition of your cows
In a recent webinar, Dr. Bill Weiss from The Ohio State University provided some updates on mineral nutrition of dairy cows. Below are a...

How efficient are dairy cows today?
In this country, we care about efficiency in almost every aspect of life. Stephen Covey in his book Seven Habits of Highly Effective...

Dietary RUFAL and milk fat depression
How much dietary fat is too much? The general rule of thumb would be a 6% maximum, but the number is not as nearly as important as the...

Cows pregnant with a daughter produce more milk
Using 2.39 million lactation records from 1.49 million dairy cows, the research team from Harvard University (Dr. Katie Hinde) and Kansas...

Do you give your cows enough time to eat?
In a recent webinar, Dr. Rick Grant from Miner Research Institute presented some interesting data showing the interaction between forage...

Influence of independent vs. non-independent nutritionists on dairy rations
Independent dairy nutritionists and nutritionists from feed companies are the two major types of nutritionists work with producers. A...

Ruminal bacterial community displays substantial host specificity
We are walking ecosystems, each of us are home to thousands of different species on and inside of us. The crosstalk between the host and...

Where are the cows today?
If you are wondering where are the dairy cows in the U.S., the map below will give you a general idea. The information is provided by...